Day One
Oh Lord, the Almighty, all powerful God who spoke our universe into existence, we come humbly before you as we lay our requests at your feet over the next 21 days.
I first want to lift up praise for who You are. You are compassionate and merciful! You are slow to anger and full of unfailing love and faithfulness. We thank you for how you lavish us with your grace and love despite our rebellion and sinfulness. We give thanks above all for your precious son Jesus Christ, the lamb of our salvation! We thank you for making a way for us to commune with you and live daily by your grace and guidance. We thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit that is an ever present help in every moment. We love you and praise you only! We lift your name above all other names and we pray you help us to live daily by your word. Thank you for your new mercies every day and that you would meet with us where we are to hear our cries. You are such a good Father and we graciously seek your face. We pray that over the next 21 days you continue to show us more of you and build unbreakable bonds to you.
Thank you God for who you are, we rejoice in you!
In Jesus name, Amen